About me

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Personal Tips and Tricks:

These are just of few of some of my Tips and Tricks that have helped me loose weight in the past:
  1. GREEN TEA with just a squeeze of lemon juice, it's really healthy and helps boost your metabolism.
  2. Every month allow a "Cheat Day" where you let yourself eat more than you normally would and it will give your metabolism a boost and keep you motivated for the next month.
  3. Work out twice a day (if you have time), I do 20 minuets of the Bike in the morning and 40 minuets of the Cross Trainer in the afternoon. 
  4. If you do go off track and binge, just fast for the next two days and not weigh as you're mostly going to gain water weight so it won't be an accurate measurement. 
  5. Keep yourself busy! The more time your mind is occupied with other things, the less time you spend thinking about food.
  6. If you find yourself really craving those cookies in the cupboard throw them out! You're not going to go in the bin to get them back. 
  7. Buy an item of clothing two sizes too small and every time you feel a binge coming on, go and try them on.
  8.  On moments of weakness, close your eyes and imagine your self with your perfect body walking along the beach in the summer.

Sorry if any of these are wrong, they are just some personal ones that really help keep me motivated and on track. 

Hope everyone is well xx

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Try again....

So I have been absolutely terrible the last few months with my dieting but from now on I will post every pound lost and (hopefully) not gained haha. I have lost 16lbs on my new diet so far and I think it is going pretty well. I am starting to see some of the results as some of my clothes are too big for me (yay). I am never ever going to let myself get this big again, I absolutely despise it haha. I hope to get really thin by this summer and look super cute in a bikini. Anyways, I hope you all are doing brilliantly on your diets. 

We can do it :) .